An Indoor Greenhouse Creates a Controlled Growing Environment

Passion is a hard habit to break. When you are used to doing something, you cannot just stop from doing it. So it is understandable why avid gardeners frown when winter comes. With the cold weather, it is next to impossible to get outside to cultivate the rock-hard frozen soil. Worse, extremely cold weather may damage your plants.

For every problem, there is always a solution. Gardening during winter is not an impossible task these days. Avid gardeners can now tend to their beloved plants even if it is freezing cold through the help of an indoor greenhouse.

How an Indoor Greenhouse Works?

There is nothing really high-tech with an indoor greenhouse. In fact, the principle of growing plants inside a building has been employed by the Romans during the time of Emperor Tiberius, who happens to be an incurable cucumber addict. To serve his favorite vegetable even during cold times, his gardeners designed a system that allowed them to grow cucumbers indoors similar to what greenhouses today use.

Big outdoor greenhouses have transparent glass or plastic roofs and walls that allow solar radiation to come in. Energy from said radiation will be absorbed by the plants and the soil. Heat is accumulated in the process. However, the greenhouse heat cannot come out and stays inside, allowing temperature to stay well within the optimum that plants can tolerate.

Indoor greenhouses use the same principle, albeit in a different way. For one thing, these greenhouses do not depend on solar radiation to heat up the plants inside. The main source of the heat comes from a reliable light fixture. To avoid harboring too much heat, some indoor greenhouses have ventilation systems.

Benefits of an Indoor Greenhouse

Death of a beloved garden plant due to cold weather is devastating for an avid gardener. Such tragedy can be avoided with the help of an indoor greenhouse. Because it allows a gardener to control the temperature and climate, a garden plant can grow well in a greenhouse during cold weather. What is more, you can stay fit and healthy because you can now grow to tropical herbs with great health benefits, like lemon grass, all year-round if you have a greenhouse.

Will it cost much? An indoor greenhouse might sound techy, but it does not cost much. A nice high-end portable 3' X 5' greenhouse kit that you can set up indoors can cost $99 or below. If that will be too large for your available space, there are some small 3-tier or 4-tier indoor greenhouses that have a price-tag from around $40-$75.

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